Tuesday, January 3rd, 2012Hello to everyone–Our first post of 2012.Check out a New York Times article of
December 27,2011 by Mark Bittman.Over the past several years multiple food borne
illness outbreaks have occurred involving a wide variety of foods –for example,
peanut butter, pot-pies, sprouts,ground turkey. Bittman’s article refers to a study
carried out in Phoenix Arizona.The research center studied 80 brands of ground
beef,pork,chicken and turkey.the findings are startling:
1.47% contained Staphylococcus aureus.
2. 52% were resistant to at least 3 classes of antibiotics
3.If you are buying pre-ground products there is at least a 25% chance that you
may be consuming a drug resistant bacteria that may either immediately cause
disease or set up a colonization state and later a drug resistant infection.
Implications and thoughts regarding the above.
1.Never buy ground meat products that are not ground on site.
2.Always assume that vegetables , and meat products are contaminated with bacteria.
3.Practice good hand washing when dealing with the above and with decontamination \
of your work surface and utensils.
4.The biggest factors driving this explosion of contaminated food are :
a.Centralization of food processing into giant operations which supply
large portions of the country.
b.Inappropriate use of antibiotics in Animal feed. 80% of the antibiotics
used in this country are used in animal feeds. A shocking and indefensible number.
Many researchers feel that the very high percentage of MRSA in
Mississippi can be traced in part to the very high utilization of antibiotics in
the chicken industry. Dr. Smith