Uncategorized | Infectious Disease Specialist - Infectious Disease Prevention and Control - Part 4



Wednesday, April 6th, 2011

The plet continues to thicken. At first we were just seeing recalls of nonsterile

 alcohol pads. We are also seeing a massive recall of supposedly sterile alcohol prep

pads.My advice is to just stay away from alcohol for skin prep in medicine and use either preferably chrolohexidine or even Betadine. Who knows how long these recalls will

Continue. Dr S

Bacillus cereus–Contamination of Alcohol Prep Pads

Friday, March 25th, 2011

Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report MMWR of March 25,2011 reported on 2

children at a Denver Area Hospital that developed Bacillus cereus infections.A

subsequent investigation found that 40/60 non-sterile alcohol prep pads were

contaminated with the organism.These pads were not clearly labeled as non

sterile on the individual packages.  I was not aware that alcohol individual prep pads would not even be available in non-sterile form. We checked our office and found that though

we had ordered sterile pads–we had been switched to non-sterile –through a

medical supply house. These pads were clearly labeled as non-sterile.

1.Please check all your alcohol prep products and make sure they are sterile

2.One would question as to why non-sterile alcohol preps would ever be available

in health care facilities.  Dr


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