WEST NILE VIRUS 2012 –CDC SUMMARY 6/28/2913 | Infectious Disease Specialist - Infectious Disease Prevention and Control


For 2012 CDC received 5,780 reports of Arboviral Infections.WEST NILE accounted for 98% of the reported cases.This is the highest number of WEST NILE cases since 2003.About 1/2 of these cases are neuroinvasive. 92% occurred between July and September. Median age of patients was 56 ,62% were hospitalized and 5% died,Median age of those who died was 77.Texas had the highest number of cases -844. Mississippi had the second highest attack rate 3.45/100,000 for a total of 106 cases.95% of the deaths occurred in the neuroinvasive group.Non-neuroinvasive cases are substantially underreported.CDC estimates that for every 1 case of neuroinvasive WEST NILE

there are 30-70 non neuroinvasive cases.Thus, an estimated 80-200,000 non -neuroinvasive cases may have occurrred during 2012.It is important to consider WEST NILE as a possibility in FUO presentations that occur

from July, Sept 30. For the complete report please go to

MMWR FOR THE WEEK OF JUNE 28,2013   62(25) 513-517 . Available to all on the CDC website.www.cdc.gov

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